Community Involvement

We manage and facilitate access to governmental, educational and recreational information and provide a variety of other resources and services that aim to continually improve the quality-of-life for Delawareans.

Government Information Center Logo

Government Information Center

The Government Information Center (GIC) provides government information and services to the community through information technology. The GIC works with other state agencies, legislators, the public and others to improve the delivery of government services and information through the Web Portal and other channels.

Commission on Italian Heritage and Culture

Delaware Commission on Italian Heritage and Culture

The Delaware Commission on Italian Heritage and Culture shall establish, maintain and develop cultural ties between Italians and Italian-Americans; foster a special interest in the historical and cultural backgrounds of both groups, as well as in the economic, political, social, and artistic life of the countries involved; and shall help establish or promote Italian language programs in the schools of this State.

Delaware African and Caribbean Affairs Commission

Delaware African and Caribbean Affairs Commission

Promote the welfare and interest of all people of African descent who reside in the state of Delaware.

Delaware Hispanic Commission

Delaware Hispanic Commission

The Delaware Hispanic Commission was created through Executive Order Number Twenty-Eight by then-Governor Jack Markell to advise the Governor, the Cabinet, members of the General Assembly, and other state policymakers on means to improve the delivery of services to the Hispanic community in Delaware.

The Commission is currently comprised of 18 Governor-appointed members who represent various socioeconomic and geographical areas of Latin America.

Delaware Commission on Indian Heritage and Culture

Delaware Commission on Indian Heritage and Culture

The Delaware Commission on Indian Heritage and Culture is committed to promoting cross-border economic and business development opportunities for any business in Delaware desiring to export their products and services to India, as well as for any businesses in India wishing to expand their footprint into Delaware.

Commission on Irish Heritage and Culture

Delaware Commission on Irish Heritage and Culture

The Delaware Commission on Irish Heritage and Culture is created to establish, maintain, and develop cultural ties between the Irish people and Irish-Americans; foster a special interest in the historical and cultural backgrounds of both groups, as well as in the economic, political, social, and artistic life of the countries involved; and help study, establish, or promote programs or events that will provide appropriate awareness of the culture, history, heritage, and language of the Irish people and Irish-Americans.

Educational Equity Council Logo

Educational Equity Council

The Educational Equity Council was formed in 2023 through House Bill 188 with House Amendment 1 for the purpose of providing input and oversight into the Education Equity Ombudsperson Program and to study and recommend solutions to ongoing or systemic equity problems.