If you have a complaint about a Delaware financial institution, a discrimination complaint, a complaint against a professional, or a complaint against a public utility, please click on one of the links below. If you cannot find the information or appropriate division to file your complaint, please contact us directly.
File a Complaint
File a complaint against a financial institution
The Office of the State Bank Commissioner investigates consumer complaints and answers consumers’ questions regarding state-chartered financial institutions located in Delaware, as well as other financial services including mortgage and small loan companies, preneed funeral contracts, and cashing of checks activities. Click here to file a complaint.
File a housing discrimination complaint
The Division of Human and Civil Rights is responsible for enforcing State Fair Housing Law and Federal Fair Housing Law. If you believe you have been discriminated against, file a complaint by clicking here.
File an equal accommodations discrimination complaint
The Division of Human and Civil Rights is responsible for enforcing the Equal Accommodations Law. If you believe you have been denied, refused, or withheld the services, facilities, privileges, or advantages of a place of public accommodations because of your race, age, marital status, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability, file a complaint by clicking here.

File a complaint against a professional
The mission of the Division of Professional Regulation is to ensure the protection of the public’s health, safety, and welfare. Oversight activities include administrative, investigative, and fiscal support for 54 professions, trades, and events with over 200 types of licenses and permits. If you believe that a person that holds a professional license has violated the law or rules of his or her profession, file a complaint by clicking here. You may also file a complaint against an unlicensed person who is practicing a profession that requires a professional license
File a complaint against a business
The mission of the Division of Professional Regulation is to ensure the protection of the public’s health, safety, and welfare. Oversight activities include administrative, investigative, and fiscal support for 54 professions, trades, and events with over 200 types of licenses and permits. If you believe that a business that holds a professional license has violated the law or rules of its profession, file a complaint by clicking here. You may also file a complaint against a business that is operating without the required professional license.

File a complaint against a public utility
The mission of the Division of the Public Advocate is to advocate the lowest reasonable rates for consumers, consistent with the maintenance of adequate utility service and consistent with an equitable distribution of rates among all classes of consumers. The Division of the Public Advocate will assist individual utility consumers in resolving disputes with public utility companies (natural gas, electric, water, telecommunications [excluding wireless telecommunication service] or cable television service) in Delaware. To file a complaint, click here.