Code References

Delaware Code

Listed below is a reference guide to the sections of the Delaware State Code that pertain to the Department of State and it’s many divisions.

General Code

Secretary of State – Delaware Constitution, Article III, §10
Service of Process – Title 10, Chapter 31
Secretary of State – Title 29, Chapter 23
Department of State – Title 29, Chapter 87

Code References for the Department of State Divisions


State Archives and Historical Objects – Title 29, Chapter 5


Banking – Title 5
State Bank Commissioner / Council on Banking – Title 29, §8718-§8719

Delaware Heritage

Heritage Commission – Title 29, Chapter 32


Delaware Government Information Center – Title 29, §8707

Historic Preservation

State Archives and Historical Objects – Title 29, Chapter 5
Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs – Title 29, §8705
Land and Historic Resource Tax Credit – Title 30, Chapter 18

Human Relations

Equal Accommodations Act – Title 6, Chapter 45
Fair Housing Act – Title 6, Chapter 46
Office of Human Relations – Title 29, §8733
State Human Relations Commission – Title 31, Chapter 30


State Aid to Public Libraries – Title 29, Chapter 66
Library Construction Assistance – Title 29, Chapter 66A
Library Technology Grants – Title 29, Chapter 66B
Division of Libraries / Council on Libraries – Title 29, §8731 – §8732
Delaware Child Internet Protection Act – Title 29, Chapter 66C

Merit Employee Relations Board

Merit System of Personnel Administration – Title 29, Chapter 59


Historical Objects and State Museums – Title 29, Chapter 5
Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs – Title 29, §8705


Notaries Public – Title 29, Chapter 43


Board of Pardons – Delaware Constitution, Article VII
Criminal Code (Pardons) – Title 11, Chapter 43
Victims’ Rights – Title 11, Chapter 94

Professional Regulation

Professions and Occupations – Title 24
Division of Professional Regulation – Title 29, §8735

Public Advocate

Division of the Public Advocate – Title 29, §8716

Public Employment Relations Board Statutes

Public School Employment Relations Act – Title 14, Chapter 40
Public Employment Relations Act – Title 19, Chapter 13
Police Officers’ and Firefighters’ Employment Relations Act – Title 19, Chapter 16

Public Integrity Commission

Laws Regulating the Conduct of Officers and Employees of the State – Title 29, Chapter 58

Public Service Commission

Public Utilities – Title 26
Division of Public Utility Control – Title 29, §8717


Delaware Commission of Veterans’ Affairs – Title 29 §8720
Military and Civil Defense – Title 20
Veterans Cemetery – Title 20, Chapter 12
Special License Plates (e.g. POW, Korean War, etc.) – Title 21, §2137-§2140
Delaware Veterans’ Home Fund – Title 30, §1188