
Through regulatory, licensing, investigative and consumer services, we protect the public’s health, safety and economic welfare. We are also charged with the promotion and assurance of equal opportunity in public accommodation and housing.

Board of Pardons Logo

Board of Pardons

The Board of Pardons makes recommendations to the Governor for or against pardons, reprieves, commutations of sentence, and executive clemency.

Delaware Division of Human & Civil Rights logo

Division of Human and Civil Rights

The Division of Human and Civil Rights protects Delawareans against unlawful discrimination in housing and places of public accommodations and promoting amicable relationships among various racial and cultural groups in Delaware. The Division receives, investigates, conciliates, issues determinations, and charges alleged violations. The Human and Civil Rights Commission holds administrative hearings on complaints not resolved through conciliation.

Division of Professional Regulation

Division of Professional Regulation

The mission of the Division of Professional Regulation is to ensure the protection of the public’s health, safety and welfare, by providing administrative and investigative services that serve the citizens of Delaware, over 65,000 professional licensees, license applicants, other state and national agencies and private organizations. The Division provides regulatory oversight for 35 boards/commissions, which are comprised of Governor-appointed public and professional members. The activities of this oversight include administrative, fiscal, and investigative support for 53 professions, trades and events.

Division of the Public Advocate

Division of the Public Advocate

The DPA represents consumers whenever PSC-regulated utility companies in Delaware seek changes in the delivery of services or changes in rates for electric distribution, natural gas supply, water services, or local exchange telephone services. Although the DPA represents all consumers of regulated utility services, it focuses on residential and small business consumers.

Merit Employees Relations Board

Merit Employee Relations Board

The Merit Employee Relations Board has the following responsibilities: makes a final ruling in Merit grievances, brought by an employee against their State agency, and in maintenance review appeals; adopts or rejects changes to the Merit Rules after a public hearing; and requests that the State Personnel Office investigate problems or complaints arising from the impact of Merit policies and procedures on employees.

The official seal of the Delaware Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner

Office of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner

The Office of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner considers applications for liquor licenses, requests for modifications to licensed establishments, performs inspections, and grants renewals of liquor licenses.

Public Employment Relations Board

Public Employment Relations Board

The Delaware Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) promotes harmonious and cooperative relationships between public employers and their represented employees by enforcing the State’s collective bargaining laws. PERB is responsible for administering the impasse resolution, representation, unfair labor practice and declaratory statement procedures for essentially all Delaware public sector employers and employees.

Public Integrity Commission

Public Integrity Commission

The State Public Integrity Commission administers and implements Delaware’s ethics law (Code of Conduct) for the Executive Branch; its financial disclosure law for all three branches; and its lobbyists’ registration and expense reporting laws.

Delaware Public Service Commission logo

Public Service Commission

The Delaware Public Service Commission (PSC) works to ensure safe, reliable and reasonably priced cable, electric, natural gas, wastewater, water and telecommunications services for Delaware consumers. For those services that are moving toward competitive markets, the Commission makes rules to level the playing field between competing providers, and resolves disputes between these providers. The PSC also assists consumers in resolving disputes with their service providers.